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Werkstätt in Süd-Deutschland für eine 200tdi Kneten

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    Werkstätt in Süd-Deutschland für eine 200tdi Kneten

    Hi everyone. Sorry for writing in english, but my german is a bit rusty. Feel free to answer in german thou. I am stuck in Zurich switzerland with a old OneTen with a 200tdi engine that needs to get a new Head gasket, and a lot of seals changed. I normally do this kind of stuff myself, but since I dont have my tools or my garage here, I need to find someone that can do it for me.

    Can anyone recommend a workshop in the south of gemany, preferably close to the swiss border 1-2 hr is fine. I don't want a normal autohaus land rover dealer, but a real workshoop that don't mind using non genuine products when they are better and cheeper...

    Super many thanks for any tips...

    And I rather do it in Germany than in switzerland since its a bit to expensive here and its a lot of hassel to import the parts I want.

    Ps. I have no idea where "Kneten" came from. Its should have said 200 tdi Motor...
    Zuletzt geändert von JamesCamp; 03.01.2013, 11:25.

    AW: Werkstätt in Süd-Deutschland für eine 200tdi Kneten

    there is a special part for Workstations in here

    maybe this helps you


      AW: Werkstätt in Süd-Deutschland für eine 200tdi Kneten

      Hi. Thanks. I will repost it there. I could not find anything in the search fields...


        AW: Werkstätt in Süd-Deutschland für eine 200tdi Kneten

        ATE in Munich. (Follow the Link) There is a very good Landrover Specialist working.
        "Heute ist die gute, alte Zeit von morgen."


          AW: Werkstätt in Süd-Deutschland für eine 200tdi Kneten

          ATE in Munich. (Follow the Link) There is a very good Landrover Specialist working.
          Thanks. Its a 3 hr drive and that feels a bit to long. Any more tips further south?


            AW: Werkstätt in Süd-Deutschland für eine 200tdi Kneten

            Zitat:Nur Idioten ändern sich nicht


              AW: Werkstätt in Süd-Deutschland für eine 200tdi Kneten

              Hallo JamesCamp
              Schau nach www,offroad-paradies ist mein Haus und Hof-Mechaniker,ist nicht weit von Dir 5 Min. von Schaffhausen und von Zürich auch nicht all zuweit.
              Er ist pünktlich und zuverlässig,bin weder Verwandt noch sonst liiert mit ihm.
              En gruess usem Paradies Gert


                AW: Werkstätt in Süd-Deutschland für eine 200tdi Kneten

                Have a look at Jakob Bösch in Hinwil

                about 30km from Zürich
                very recommendable Workshop.

                If you are able to do the job by yourself have a look at . The DIY-Workshop offers a working place with lift for 25,-CHF/hour. It is in Winterthur, about 30km as well.


                  AW: Werkstätt in Süd-Deutschland für eine 200tdi Kneten

                  Thanks for the tips.

                  Have a look at Jakob Bösch in Hinwil
                  Ive used Jak Bösch and I think they are good. But unfortunately they dont speak english and I want to be able to explain what I want to have done. I only know the english names for all the parts..

                  I will call them on monday and se what they think.

                  Still it would be nice to have a workshop in germany, or are the prices the same?


                    AW: Werkstätt in Süd-Deutschland für eine 200tdi Kneten

                    Still a 3 hr ride one way... and with a leaking head gasket that feels to long.


                      AW: Werkstätt in Süd-Deutschland für eine 200tdi Kneten

                      Hi JamesCamper,

                      may be you should be a bit patient as there are some Lond Rover
                      drivers there but did not had the chance to see this thread.
                      I think anyone of them should know a workshop next to you.

                      Best Regrads,


                        AW: Werkstätt in Süd-Deutschland für eine 200tdi Kneten

                        I forgot to mention Hans Peter Hess in Rafz.

                        Even though the workshop is in Switzerland it is close to you and Hans Peter is a nice guy. Just talk with him about the price.

                        how long are you supposed to stay in Zürich?


                          AW: Werkstätt in Süd-Deutschland für eine 200tdi Kneten

                          how long are you supposed to stay in Zürich?
                          I actually live here. But I got to swedish defenders that alternates as my switzerland cars. And I swap them once a year...

                          thanks for the tips so far.. still no 100%, but I will try and call around next week.


                            AW: Werkstätt in Süd-Deutschland für eine 200tdi Kneten

                            as I own a '84 oneten by myself (200Tdi mounted) I'd like to meet you .. maybe we can find a solution together

                            have a beer next week?

