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They found our engineer - Interessantes Buch aus Australien

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    They found our engineer - Interessantes Buch aus Australien

    Hallo zusammen,

    bin zufällig über diesen Blog gestolpert:

    Dort wird auch ein verdammt interessantes Buch beschrieben, das ich mir mal bestellen werde...

    Über das Buch:
    The British Land Rover 4×4 has grown from 1948 to become one of the world’s leading automotive brands. Exactly how it all came together back in the late 1940s and early 50s has been the topic of interest and debate for many years. This was until two Australian enthusiasts, Michael Bishop and Alex Massey quite literally stumbled across senior member of the original Land Rover development team, Arthur Goddard living in Brisbane, Australia in 2009. The discovery led to many of the myths and tales surrounding the early vehicles to be heard as it happened from Arthur’s point of view. Then to a trip by Arthur to visit his old work place in Solihull and to the vehicle that he helped bring to life back in 1948. The book contains both a technical and human side to this incredible story as well as a great reunion between Arthur and his old colleague Spen King who went on to design the Range Rover in the 1960s. This is truly a unique story from the time of post War World two Britain to modern day Australia and how the iconic 4×4 grew up so quickly in the 1950s to become the world leader that it is today.

    Hier noch der Amazon-Link:

    ...und nein... ich hab´ keine Aktien davon...

    Vielleicht interessiert´s :)


    AW: They found our engineer - Interessantes Buch aus Australien

    Klingt interessant,
    wenn es gut auf englisch zu lesen ist.
    Forget the dog, beware of the kids !


      AW: They found our engineer - Interessantes Buch aus Australien

      Das Buch ist toll und eine unbedingte Empfehlung.

      wir hatten das allerdings schon.... :-)


