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Stosstange / Front bumper

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    Disco 2: Stosstange / Front bumper

    Hallo zusammen,

    Sorry that I write in English, but my German is to lame to try it in writing on a public forum :)

    So, here's the problem: I wanted to install a proper front (and preferably rear) bumpers on my beloved D2, but am not sure about the legal requirements (my car is registered in Germany). Can anyone advise me how to tackle the issue? As far as I know, there's a possibility to do it through "Einzelabnahme" at the nearest TUeV/Dekra garage.

    I definitely need a steel bumper, preferably with a bullbar. An "auxillary tank" (as some Toyo and Defender drivers do it) should also be fine with me, though I'm not sure if anyone produces these for Discos . Are there any bumper models that are known to pass this "Einzelabnahme" at TUV? Or maybe there are some that already bear the "TUV" license?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Liebe Gruesse,


    AW: Stosstange / Front bumper

    Hi Art,
    is it a self made or a original Land Rover. For a original I have "Teilegutachten" for you.
    The other I think is a special for "Baurat" or §21 !



      AW: Stosstange / Front bumper

      Hi Helge,

      Thanks for your answer.

      I haven't chosen any particular model yet - I looked at several winch bumpers but didn't know if any of them would pass TUV.

      The original LR bullbar won't do, as I need something a bit more robust and want to get rid of the stock bumper (the bullbar itself is not a must though would be a useful add-on).

      What do you mean by "baurat"/ §21 ?
      Zuletzt geändert von pamejudd; 29.07.2012, 00:16.


        AW: Stosstange / Front bumper

        If the "Teilegutachten" doesn't work, there is I think, the only way.
        You must contact the TÜV, they will check your bullbar or something else, if it is possible to put it on the road, or not....



          AW: Stosstange / Front bumper

          I made a bumper myself from 3mm thick steel, went a lot of work in it, and gave only 3 weeks pleasure (before I smashed it into the boot of a Mercedes C180 on th highway (weißen elephanten topic overhere))
          A few days before the accident I went to the local TUV with it, to ask wether the bumper met the required standards to become legal.... they took a look at it with to engineers, knocked on it and mumbled something about poor pedestrants, but after that they assured me "eintragen" would not be necessary, because the length of the vehicle wasn't altered..... I wanted to get that in writing sometime, but never got to that as the car was demolished in the accident a few days later....

          I know people have gotten the AFN in their papers, in my opinion the most beautyfull bumper for sale for the D2, rather expensive, but nice.... The rear bumper from AFN allso is the nicest (and most expensive) I've seen till now...


            AW: Stosstange / Front bumper

            Thanks Roger. AFN is indeed something worth to consider, and compared to ARB it surely seems to be a "cost-effective" choice. It would require however additional protection of the windscreen washer tank (how did you deal with it in your own design?).


              AW: Stosstange / Front bumper


              reading varying experiences/reports from others in my opinion it is important to find a competent engineer at your local technical surveillance to consider your wishes.

              Here in NRW are many with e.g. ARB Bumper who had to cut the bull bar off. §§ pedestrian protection, such an EU thingy. Maybe the Discovery is enough in weight, so this may get through...

              You have to be prepared very well for the discussion with those guys!


                AW: Stosstange / Front bumper

                in my bumper the height was just enough to cover the washertank, could have placed a plate underneith, but wanted to wait till the tank was damaged..

                I went to thetuv before i started the construction to ask what would be permitted and what not. They said, when I used it as lightbar, i could make a steel bullbar as well


                  AW: Stosstange / Front bumper

                  So it seems I'll have to drag one of my native-speaker friends to the nearest Pruefstelle :)

                  I'll report on the progress.

                  Thanks guys!


                    AW: Stosstange / Front bumper

                    If you want to install a Winch bumper, you can get it permitted as a "Geräteträger", that is a Carrier f.e. the winch.

                    But you should ask before! installation your local TÜV engineer to avoid trouble.

                    Greetings from the Ammersee

                    The Bluemaster Gunnar
                    Man darf die Dinge nicht so tragisch sehen wie sie sind!


                      AW: Stosstange / Front bumper

                      if approved as "geräteträger" the winch must be mounted wenn the car with the bumper is brought to TUV to be approved.


                        AW: Stosstange / Front bumper

                        I see.

                        One more thing: does it matter to which TUV/DEKRA station do I go to? I mean - can I do it in another Bundesland than the one I live in?

                        Can anyone recommend me some "more reasonable" ones in south Germany?


                          AW: Stosstange / Front bumper

                          I tried 4 differend TUV locations for approval to make a steel bumper, answers varied from absolutely impossible without "gutachten/abe" to, "no problem as long as it has no scharp edges and a winch is mounted


                            AW: Stosstange / Front bumper

                            Okay, first attempt: I left the photos of various bumper desings (including my favourite ass-kicking AFN) to the guys at TUV and they're supposed to contact me in a week or so (after heir boss is back from Route 66). :D

                            Blaumeister & Roger: thanks for the tips. They indeed helped a lot (esp. about suggesting the Geraetetraeger option!).
                            Zuletzt geändert von pamejudd; 17.08.2012, 11:55.


                              AW: Stosstange / Front bumper

                              I'm not quite sure what to think: the TUV guys contacted my German-speaking friend and told him that for Einzelabnahme I need "Gutachten". Did I get something wrong or is it just another case of Catch 22?

                              Should I try some other Pruefstelle?

