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Bob Dylan träumt von einer Serie....;-)

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    Bob Dylan träumt von einer Serie....;-)

    Series of dreams

    I was thinking of a series of dreams
    Where nothing comes up to the top
    Everything stays down where it's wounded
    And comes to a permanent stop
    Wasn't thinking of anything specific
    Like in a dream, when someone wakes up and screams
    Nothing too very scientific
    Just thinking of a series of dreams

    Thinking of a series of dreams
    Where the time and the tempo fly
    And there's no exit in any direction
    'Cept the one that you can't see with your eyes
    Wasn't making any great connection
    Wasn't falling for any intricate scheme
    Nothing that would pass inspection
    Just thinking of a series of dreams

    Dreams where the umbrella is folded
    Into the path you are hurled
    And the cards are no good that you're holding
    Unless they're from another world

    In one, numbers were burning
    In another, I witnessed a crime
    In one, I was running, and in another
    All I seemed to be doing was climb
    Wasn't looking for any special assistance
    Not going to any great extremes
    I'd already gone the distance
    Just thinking of a series of dreams

    AW: Bob Dylan träumt von einer Serie....;-)


      AW: Bob Dylan träumt von einer Serie....;-)

      Ich wußte schon immer der is nich ganz noomaaal :D

      Geträumte Grüße,
      … but, at least, I am sober …


        AW: Bob Dylan träumt von einer Serie....;-)

        Und von was träumt dann ein Serienmörder?
        ...contains 100 percent user servicable parts!


          AW: Bob Dylan träumt von einer Serie....;-)

          Vom Umbau auf Jaguarankerkettenbeschwermotoren wie bei Xaver Industries und ähnlich "fröhlichen" Pretendern ...

          Zerstörte Grüße,
          … but, at least, I am sober …

