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Series III Import aus UK

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    AW: Series III Import aus UK

    I guess that means a trip out with the tomtom and mark 35/50 and 70
    Yup, continental europe is metric. Napoleon did not manage to cross the channel, that´s why.


      AW: Series III Import aus UK

      Zitat von elanbaby Beitrag anzeigen
      not Guido, but I reply anyway... :-)

      They most certainly won´t notice Range diffs

      You aren´t allowed to enter most German Cities without H-Kennzeichen. (Or Umweltplaketten with the right color for that matter, which old Landys just won´t get.)


      i dont like cities, they smell and are dirty.....(there again just like my landrover! haha)

      The series III wont get a green or gelb umweltplaketten so whatever papers it gets it wont be going in a city.

      I also have a 110 TD5 which also never goes in the city, for city visits i have a company car so this is not a problem

      i really am beginning to think just normal papers is the way forward


        AW: Series III Import aus UK

        Zitat von gkuehn Beitrag anzeigen
        Yup, continental europe is metric. Napoleon did not manage to cross the channel, that´s why.
        my speedo has both Km and Mph

        BUT.......due to the Diffs / bigger tyres when the speedo says 60Kmh the little baby is really doing 112Kmh!!!!!!

        mind you the rest of her knows exactly how fast she is going and makes sure she tells you ALL THE TIME! haha


          AW: Series III Import aus UK

          Is there no possibility to leave it registered in GB - would be the easiest option ;-)
          lg. flo


            AW: Series III Import aus UK

            Is there no possibility to leave it registered in GB - would be the easiest option ;-)
            lg. flo

            yes no problem at all, i still have a UK address....but

            I would have to take it back to the UK once a year for an MOT test which is not really very good


              AW: Series III Import aus UK

              Hi Sean,

              welcome to the Peugeot Club :-)).

              In 2005 it was no Problem for me to get H-Kennzeichen with a Peugeot TD(wich was freshly converted then).So it might be a good idea to talk to the Engineer or several of them bevore you decide wich way to go.
              If i were you, i wouldnt mention the Range Diffs because mandatory Brake Size depends on possible Topspeed, wich wouldnt change without different Gears(exept.
              The physical Examination for " H " is not much different from a standard § 21 exept that you pay for it.

              Gruß Reinhard


                AW: Series III Import aus UK

                Good moaning!
                I'm an ex-pat myself and have done the same thing with many vehicles.
                1. I think you can forget the H registration with the Peugeot engine.
                2. I would go for a standard LKW (truck) registration as road tax is much cheaper.
                3. You don't need H registration to insure the vehicle as an "oldtimer" (cheap) :-)
                4. You don't need to contact Land Rover any more (thank God) as the TÜV has computers these days.
                5. Sod this for a lark, there's too much to tell. E me on graveon at t-online dot de if you need help.

