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Series III Import aus UK

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    Series III Import aus UK

    Hi Guys,
    Hopefully you can all read English better than I can write German!

    I have a couple of questions for importing a series III from UK

    I have brought my 1982 series III over from England with UK papers in my name (V5).

    what do I nned to do to get German zulassung? Ideally I would like to get H kennzeichen but am not sure exactly when it is 30 years old, next year some time so maybe I would be better to wait and do it all when it is 30 years old or maybe transfer from normal zulassung to H later on?

    Also it has a peugeot 2.5 turbo diesel conversion so maybe this will effect H kennzeichen?

    what would be nice is if somebody could write a simple list of what I need to do to get German zulassung and the order I need to do it all in.

    It is ok to write in German as I can read german much better than I can write it!...haha

    a nice simple procedure would be nice thankyou......

    I am in Walsrode if there are any series III owners local would also be great to hear from you.



    AW: Series III Import aus UK

    Hi Sean, i'm not realy a help to you, since i'm sitting in Switzerland, but for LR-Owners near you , look at the " Mitgliederkarte " in the header, best regards Philipp
    whatever is rightly done, however humble, is noble


      AW: Series III Import aus UK

      Hi Sean,

      there are many things written here about importing a Series landrover from GB to Germany and also about getting a H-Kennzeichen. You can use the "search-function" with words like "Überführung" or "England". The Peugeot enginge might be a problem for the H-Kennzeichen, because it isn´t the original engine. For the German registration you need the V5 documents, a Vollgutachten, eventualy the H-Gutachten, your passport or indentity card and an assurance. Please ask if you have further questions.

      Greetings from the Black Forest and take care

      Captain T


        AW: Series III Import aus UK

        so.....first to Tuv and make a vollgutacten, then to insurance company and get insurance (i have this allready from Allianz, who insured it from the uk papers) then to KFZ zulassungstelle and they give me fahrzeug brief etc?

        do i need a vollgutacten or is a simple TuV test enough?


          AW: Series III Import aus UK

          Hi Sean,
          what do I nned to do to get German zulassung?
          V5, make shure you informed the DVLA first. They want to get the part V5C.
          The car has to be undergone an extended examination by the TÜV, the so called §21. Depending on the bluecollars and the quality of their coffeemachine, the position of uranus in conjunction to mercury and/or last nights sexual fulfilment (or lack of) you might need a paper with all the technical data by Land Rover, which Land Rover won´t be able to provide (They have even problems to find the toilet at their department, for they are all completely new to the brand and the idea that a bucket like this could have ever been produced by them frightens them to death.) In short no help from there but you might ask TÜV Süd. For another hunded Euros you will get a sheet of paper with the clandestine information like hp and makeyear.
          In order to obtain all this you need plates. Either the car is still roadlegal registered with british plates and insurance, or you have get a short term insurance, buy plates and then drive to the TÜV. Or you might transport the aloy princess on a trailer.
          After having succeeded the technical test by TÜV you will drop by the Zulassungsstelle. This is the high temple of german stubborn secretarys with almost no sexapeal or compassion nor empathy. Try to argue and they eat you for breakfast. (so far my personal experience, others found them to be pleasant and helpfull. I consider some part of these others to be somewhat strange.)

          Short term Plates
          Technical Data by TÜV Süd
          TÜV §21
          Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 21.12.2011, 09:34.


            AW: Series III Import aus UK

            Thats great thanks, yes it is still on UK V5 with valid MOT and the V5 is in my name at my UK address.

            It is nearly ready for TUV, I just need to do a few small jobs and send the speedo away to have it re-calibrated as the car has bigger tyres and range rovers Diffs fitted so the speedo is a long way out!

            once this is done i can drive it to TuV, I have a few friends here who have told me of a TuV who are "resonable" so thats where I will be going. probably around mid to end of January once the speedo comes back from the Uk.

            I was hoping that as the V5 was present that the TuV would be able to do a normal inspection from the information that the V5 has, type aproval umber etc, it seems this is not the case which is a bit sad as i was hoping for a nice simple 20 minutes test haha


              AW: Series III Import aus UK

              ähh - ihr könnt sean in german schreiben, er kann es lesen und verstehen - man kann sich ganz toll mit ihm in german unterhalten ... ;););)

              sean, vielleicht kannst du mal zu wolfgang, "eisbär" hier im forum, aufnehmen, der ist vom fach und in deiner nähe


                AW: Series III Import aus UK

                If it was my ride I wouldn´t recalibrate the speedo, which is really expensive. The more if you compare it to the cost for a replacement. For german TÜV iit is totally legal to attach tapestripes on the glass indicating 30,50,70 and 100 km/h. And a speedo in a series is more a mental need than a practical demand. In braindead fast driving geramany you will be always on pole position of the actual traffic jam, which is another reason why you don´t need a radio - traffic news can´t tell you anything you don´t know already, but all the news affects the bunch behind you. Makes me think of a rearguided speaker on the roof, to let the others know that I already know. *giggle*

                A short coffee and smile test? Unfortunately not if you want the H.

                Insurance will ask you for a daily ride for there is no company around providing a H insurance without one.


                  AW: Series III Import aus UK

                  so if i go for normal papers a short test is ok but for H then full test, is that correct?

                  If so is it a good idea to do the extra for the H or should i just accept normal papers?

                  also i think the car is 29 years old until some time later next year so maybe normal papers first and change to H in the summer?


                    AW: Series III Import aus UK

                    Zitat von krahni Beitrag anzeigen
                    ähh - ihr könnt sean in german schreiben, er kann es lesen und verstehen - man kann sich ganz toll mit ihm in german unterhalten ... ;););)

                    sean, vielleicht kannst du mal zu wolfgang, "eisbär" hier im forum, aufnehmen, der ist vom fach und in deiner nähe

                    klasse, danke


                      AW: Series III Import aus UK

                      Guido, will they accept Range Rover Diff's for a H ? regards Philipp
                      whatever is rightly done, however humble, is noble


                        AW: Series III Import aus UK

                        it might turn out that your biggest problem is the engine. As much more powerful than standard you may have to uprate your brakes. To Six-cyl brakes for example.

                        You may also be asked to get a comprehensive emissions-certificate at the TUV. As your vehicle/ engine combination is not standard this may work out VERY expensive. On the other hand you may get around it, if you´re lucky enough to find the "right" TÜV station. I know, because I once converted a SIII to a Peugeot Diesel. Long ago though.

                        A friend of mine managed to get a SIII/300TDI TUVd and registered. Which was a real hassle, but worked out in the end. No way to apply for H-Kennzeichen though.

                        The whole situation may work out easier if you can PROVE that your conversion was carried out more than 20 years ago. Than you may apply for H-Kennzeichen just as well.

                        Look up the date of first registration in your V5. Then you know exactly how old your Landy is.

                        Requirements concerning H-Kennzeichen age do differ from Bundesland zu Bundesland. Some actually take the year of registration which means you may apply for H-Kennzeichen as soon as Jan 2012. Others are more strict and count days...

                        My suggestion: start travelling around, talk to TUV-inspectors about your converted Landy. You may face a long journey but eventually you may come across a friendly and understanding inspector.

                        Good luck,


                          AW: Series III Import aus UK

                          Guido, will they accept Range Rover Diff's for a H ? regards Philipp

                          1) would they even know?
                          2) Is the H really good to have? am I just as good to get normal papers?

                          Guido, I have a company in UK who will set my speedo for just 50 euros which I thought was quite good, I might do what you suggest and use tapes just to get the TuV done and do the speedo in slow time, I guess that means a trip out with the tomtom and mark 35/50 and 70


                            AW: Series III Import aus UK

                            not Guido, but I reply anyway... :-)

                            They most certainly won´t notice Range diffs

                            You aren´t allowed to enter most German Cities without H-Kennzeichen. (Or Umweltplaketten with the right color for that matter, which old Landys just won´t get.)



                              AW: Series III Import aus UK

                              Zitat von elanbaby Beitrag anzeigen
                              it might turn out that your biggest problem is the engine. As much more powerful than standard you may have to uprate your brakes. To Six-cyl brakes for example.

                              You may also be asked to get a comprehensive emissions-certificate at the TUV. As your vehicle/ engine combination is not standard this may work out VERY expensive. On the other hand you may get around it, if you´re lucky enough to find the "right" TÜV station. I know, because I once converted a SIII to a Peugeot Diesel. Long ago though.

                              A friend of mine managed to get a SIII/300TDI TUVd and registered. Which was a real hassle, but worked out in the end. No way to apply for H-Kennzeichen though.

                              The whole situation may work out easier if you can PROVE that your conversion was carried out more than 20 years ago. Than you may apply for H-Kennzeichen just as well.

                              Look up the date of first registration in your V5. Then you know exactly how old your Landy is.

                              Requirements concerning H-Kennzeichen age do differ from Bundesland zu Bundesland. Some actually take the year of registration which means you may apply for H-Kennzeichen as soon as Jan 2012. Others are more strict and count days...

                              My suggestion: start travelling around, talk to TUV-inspectors about your converted Landy. You may face a long journey but eventually you may come across a friendly and understanding inspector.

                              Good luck,
                              thanks for the reply, I dont think I will be able to prove when the conversion was done,

                              to be honest I dont know if I really need the H kennzeichen, from what I understand i can save a bit on steur and maybe cheaper insurance but if that is all i can get maybe normal papers are just easier. i only pay 30 euros a month for insurance from a german allianz and thats with it on UK papers so insurance is not too expensive, so ok maybe the steur is a bit more each year but if getting the H kennzeichen is 1. difficult and 2. expensive than maybe i should just get normal papers.

                              friends have told me of a friendly TuV who does oldtimers and is a person "you can talk to" so hopefully he will do the tests, i have not been there yet as i wanted to take the car along to meet him and i still have a few small jobs to do

