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So,so: Current Defender to live on to 2017

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    So,so: Current Defender to live on to 2017

    The bulk of the current Land Rover Defender range is likely to continue production until 2017

    The bulk of the current Land Rover Defender range is likely to continue in production until 2017 or later — and that will be at least two years after the launch of the all-new Defender replacement in 2015.
    The long-wheelbase 110 and commercial 130 versions of the Land Rover Defender are likely to be beneficiaries, staying in production well after the arrival of the new short-wheelbase Defender, previewed at the Frankfurt show as the DC100 concept.
    Read more about the Land Rover DC100 concept
    “There are a number of changes to the legislation that mean we can keep the current Defender in production longer than we thought,” said a Land Rover source.
    The first is the ability of the new 2.2-litre diesel engine to meet EU6 standards — the tough next step in emissions regulations that will align diesel engine pollutants with those of petrols in 2015/16.
    There is also a suggestion that the Defender might not have to comply with EU6 until a later date. A few years ago the Defender was reclassified as a commercial vehicle, which might help.
    Pedestrian impact laws were due to pull down the shutters on the Defender in 2015, but Land Rover now understands that a ‘derogation’ — exemption from the law — might apply until 2020.

    AW: So,so: Current Defender to live on to 2017

    Hatten wir schon durch... :D

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      AW: So,so: Current Defender to live on to 2017

      Coole Sache - dann kommen die doch langsam zur Vernunft, wenns war ist!
      lg. flo


        AW: So,so: Current Defender to live on to 2017

        bis dahin gibts Einfahrverbot in Innenstädten für Verbrenner ohne blaue Plakette und der Defender wurde den 40+to Megalinern gleichgestellt (aber natürlich als schmutziputzi PKW weiter besteuert mit nur noch 5.000 Euro Steuer pro Jahr).

