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Birmabright Weekend, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 27th – 29th May 2011

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    Birmabright Weekend, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 27th – 29th May 2011

    Birmabright Weekend, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 27th – 29th May 2011

    Would like to invite all leaf-sprung Land-Rover owners to the 5th anniversary of the annual Birmabright Weekend in Kutna Hora, Czech Republic. Same as in previous installments of this event, all kinds of leaf-sprung Land-Rovers are welcome and the greenlaning trip will include only these.

    This year’s event will take place in the Malesov camping site, most notably due to the larger size of the site and the availability of „hard-top“ accommodation (kind of 2-berth or 4-berth weekend homes/cottages/huts). The weather in previous years was not particularly kind to us and the lakes and streams under the tents aren’t exactly pleasing.

    The event’s programme

    Friday, 27th May 2011:
    - Arrival of participants during the afternoon, the campsite is open so earlier arrival is no problem.
    - Beer-drinking, "benzinsprechen".

    Saturday, 28th May 2011
    - During the morning hours we will stand, sit, lie around the campsite, moaning about what we did last night, chat together and admire each others' vehicles. In general, we usually wait for those who can't force themselves to wake up in time for the announced time of departure for the laning trip...
    - Breakfast can be had in the local "pub", but don't expect anything big or particularly appealing - just don't ask questions, fill your stomach and go.
    - Departure for the laning trip is usually not before 11:00 - as I wrote on the Czech forum, the morale of participants in the morning is usually so low that I started contemplating a night greenlaning trip.
    - The trip includes lanes and tarmac roads totalling some 100 kilometres in length, so a fuel tank at least half-full (or half-empty) is adviseable. The route includes a stop for a group photo at the Vysoka hill, which includes a barbeque prepared from what the participants can throw together.
    - Beer-drinking, "benzinsprechen".

    Sunday, 29th May 2011:
    - Most participants usually bid farewell to others already during breakfast (some already leave on Saturday, but the programme can be shortened or extended depending on the participants' morale and condition.
    - For foreign visitors a tour of Kutna Hora or a visit to the Kacina chateau, the National Agricultural Museum in Caslav or anywhere in the vicinity will be arranged depending on interest.

    I (and several other participants) will be coming to the meeting from the direction of Prague, i.e. we can take you with us and the column or pick you up at the airport, if you don't want to bring your leafer.

    Additional info:
    Facilities: The meeting will take place at a public campsite with small holiday homes/cottages/huts (whatever they're called in English), 21 of them. There are shared showers and toilets. There's a small pub behind the reception desk which serves (except beer) only very basic food, like sausages, bread and some cold meals. It's not exactly a luxury standard but people used to drive Land-Rovers should find the facilities sufficient.

    Driving regulations: The most apparent difference is the daylight lights-on rule, i.e. your lights need to be switched all the time. You should have an internationally valid proof of liability insurance, the speed limit for cities/towns/villages is 50 kph.

    Currency: CZK (approx. CZK 24.20 = 1 EUR) / if you need to change on week days, you can do so at banks or exchange counters (there should be a few in Kutna Hora as well, not sure about the office hours, better to stock up for the weekend on Friday). VISA/MasterCard credit cards will be accepted in 90% of the shops incl. most supermarkets, but not at the campsite.

    Petrol prices: about CZK 32-33 per litre (unleaded = called Natural 95 here) / some stations here still sell the so called Special 91 (with the lead-substituting additive included), which is slightly cheaper. There are two fuel stations in Kutna Hora, availability elsewhere is no problem, both on motorways and main roads (most or all of them nowadays accept VISA/MasterCard credit cards).

    AW: Birmabright Weekend, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 27th – 29th May 2011

    Nachdem ich letztes Jahr gekniffen hatte, bleibt wohl diesmal keine Ausrede.

    Ich bin dabei !




      AW: Birmabright Weekend, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 27th – 29th May 2011

      Alle sind herzlich wilkommen, letztes Jahr da waren 21 Landys, 3 von GB, 1 von NL, aber nur ein von DE!


        AW: Birmabright Weekend, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 27th – 29th May 2011

        Blöd... wie bekomme ich denn jetzt noch Blattfedern in meinen Defender.

        Warum werden wir denn immer so ausgegrenzt ;)
        Viele Grüsse

        __________________________________________________ ______________________
        ich lebe in meiner eigenen Welt - aber das ist schon ok, man kennt mich dort....


          AW: Birmabright Weekend, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 27th – 29th May 2011

          Hecktür auf, Federn rein, Hecktür zu. Oder so.

          Vielleicht gilt das ja auch ;-)


            AW: Birmabright Weekend, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 27th – 29th May 2011

            ich bin auf jeden Fall wieder da. Letztes Jahr war ich der eine aus DE ;-). War aber trotzdem ein schönes WE .Schöne Gegend, nette Leute und ein schöner Campingplatz.
            Ich freu mich schon!


              AW: Birmabright Weekend, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 27th – 29th May 2011

              gerade spontan entschlossen: hört sich toll an!

              bin dabei.

              fahre aus hannover an, werde freitagmorgen sehr früh starten. vermutlich route über dresden.

              wer lust hat sich ranzuhängen kann gern eine pn schicken.

              ach so: ich gehe mal von "normaler bereifung" etc. aus, oder hat jemand andere erkenntnisse?

              ***händereib*** :D


                AW: Birmabright Weekend, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 27th – 29th May 2011

                Zitat von schrauberuwe Beitrag anzeigen
                ich bin auf jeden Fall wieder da. Letztes Jahr war ich der eine aus DE ;-). War aber trotzdem ein schönes WE .Schöne Gegend, nette Leute und ein schöner Campingplatz.
                Ich freu mich schon!
                Uwe, du wirst der Teilnehmer mit dem besten Sinn fuer Orientierung, du hast uns gefunden in der mitte der Route die ich nur in meinem Kopf hatte;)

                Ich freue mich auf ihr Kommen!


                  AW: Birmabright Weekend, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 27th – 29th May 2011

                  Serien rieche ich 10 Meilen gegen den Wind


                    AW: Birmabright Weekend, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 27th – 29th May 2011

                    ... hm ... Interesse hätte ich.
                    Ein Wochenende später ahbe ich mich allerdings schon in Retehm/Aller zum Oldtimertreffen mit meiner 49 Jahre alten Seriee IIa angemeldet, siehe:

                    Ich melde mich mal "mit Vorbehalt" gern an. Dann wäre ich sicher der dritte "Deutsche" und der, mit der weitesten Anfahrt. Klar, ab Hannover können wir gern (mit "Series 3") im Konvoi fahren.
                    euer Rangie_V8
                    Schaf lügt ! ... Ziege auch.


                      AW: Birmabright Weekend, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 27th – 29th May 2011


                      sag mal an, wenn wir ab irgendeinem treffpunkt zusammen fahren wollen.

                      bin am we drauf auch in rethem, wobei dass für mich nur ein katzensprung ist.

                      mit einer s2 ist das natürlich ein ritt ;).



                        AW: Birmabright Weekend, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 27th – 29th May 2011

                        ob S2 oder S3 - was ist der unterschied? geschwindigkeit ist es nicht, geräuschpegel auch nicht, federung auch nicht.
                        aber - meine "regierung" hat vor der CZ-fahrt soeben einen riegel vorgeschoben. eines geht nur.
                        und somit entscheide ich mich für RETHEM.

                        Sorry my friends, I will not come to czech repubilc, because i go the weekend after to a meeting in germany.
                        euer Rangie_V8
                        Schaf lügt ! ... Ziege auch.


                          AW: Birmabright Weekend, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 27th – 29th May 2011

                          That's a pity, your landy looks very nice! You still have some time to change your mind and if not, see you next year;):D


                            AW: Birmabright Weekend, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 27th – 29th May 2011

                            Well, it's up to some different circumstances i have to check. May be, that I can come to the meeting, with a probability of 30% right now.
                            euer Rangie_V8
                            Schaf lügt ! ... Ziege auch.


                              AW: Birmabright Weekend, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 27th – 29th May 2011

                              Just one more thing - in case you want to include motorways in your road book in CZ, please keep in mind these are paid, so you'll need to buy motorway tickets at the border - these are currently CZK 250 or 11 euro.

                              As for the meeting schedule, would like to visit the National Agricultural Museum in Caslav on Sunday morning (29th May). Not sure what are your plans for that day, but in case of interest we could put up a short itinerary around the countryside east of Kutna Hora (don't know too many lanes in that direction, so most of the route would be on winding, bumpy country tarmac roads). This could include the following:

                              Lichnice (ruins of a medieval castle with great views towards Caslav & Kutna Hora):

                              The now re-built lime kiln at Tremosnice (I posted a few pics of the original condition some two years ago):

                              Svaty Jakub (one of the best-preserved Romanesque churches in CZ):

                              Please let me know about the plans for the Sunday, the visit to the agricultural museum is kind of a fixed plan (although noone will be forced to go there ), the rest is a possibility in case of enough interest.

                              In case you don't know yet, don't worry, you can join in on the spot;)

