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Land Rover Filme

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    Land Rover Filme


    Ich habe euch hier mal die Inhalte der drei "alten" Land Rover Filme notiert.

    Bekommen kann man die ab und an mal bei eBay, oder vielleicht auch mal Googlen.

    hier nun die Filminfo's:

    The LR Film Library I/ II/ III
    Heritage Motoring Films.

    Anything you can do / HMF 1026

    Rover Review ( 1955 )
    A "newsreel" style Film of short LR stories:
    (Laufzeit 8 min.)
    LR at the Golden Jubilee of the AA.
    An Expedition to the Far East.
    The 1st LR Owners' Club Rally at Solihull.
    A Tour of the Factory with some Turkish visitors.
    The new 107" station wagon goes to Paris Motor Show.

    Anything you can do ( 1956 )
    (Laufzeit: 20 min.)
    A Film made to demonstrate the versatility and many possible applications of the Serie I LR.

    Ready for Anything ( 1957 )
    (Laufzeit: 11min.)
    The Launch of the new diesel engined LR with more demonstrations of LR capabilities.

    Bred in the Bone ( 1958 )
    (Laufzeit: 13 min.)
    A review of the history of the LR in black and white which switches to colour to introduce the features of the improved Series II LR.

    All in A Day's Work / HMF 1030

    Rover Review ( 1957/ 58 )
    A "newsreel" style film of LR stories:
    (Laufzeit: 12min.)
    LR Owners' Club Point to Point at the Solihull Factory.
    Military Vehicle display and demonstrations for NATO at Solihull.
    Visit by Duke of Edinburgh to the Solihull and Tysley factories.
    Army manoeuvre with parachute troops air dropping LR.

    Overland to Singapore ( 1956 )
    (Laufzeit: 13 min.)
    A film record of the Oxford & Cambridge Far Eastern Expedition covering over 18.000 miles from Solihull to Singapore in two LR 86" staion wagons.

    All in a Day's Work ( 1964 )
    (Laufzeit: 18 min.)
    A film of demonstrations of even more applications and special equipment for the versatile "maid of all work" LR.

    Combat LR Line Up ( 1967 )
    (Laufzeit: 8 min.)
    The 1967 LR/ Alvis day. Military vehicles produced by the Group are demonstrated to invited "Top Brass". Many unusual prototypes and conversions are shown in action.

    Rover Pacific Review ( 1955 )
    (Laufzeit: 4 min.)
    A rare newsreel from New Zealand showing the LR at work and at play.

    A Means to All Ends / HMF 1031

    [B]A Means to All Ends ( 1973 )[B]
    (Laufzeit: 18 min.)
    A promotional film for the SIII LR but showing a variety of models in all parts of the globe doing all kinds of jobs with kinds of specialist equipment.
    The production line is featured showing how individual vehicles are build to customer specification and order and then tested on proving ground.

    Overland to the lost World ( 1959 )
    (Laufzeit: 23 min.)
    LR go 'trial blazing' again, this time in South America led by Adrian Cowell, who was also the leader of the 'First Overland' expedition to Singapore.
    The joint Oxford and Cambridge University teams start off in Guyana and folliowing a little used cattle trail the LR forge a circular tour of South America.

    LR Ability ( 1969 )
    (Laufzeit: 15 min.)
    What better way to celebrate the twenty-first anniversary of the introduction of the LR than demonstrate the many applications of this truly versatile vehicle. This mammoth demonstration in impressively rugged country, presented a unique opportunity to film some more unusual usages of the LR including impressive fire-fighting and military helicopter dmeonstrations.

    (Alles nur auf VHS Kassette)


    RE: Land Rover Filme

    ich habe sie gerade gefunden,
    kann man direkt bei Motorfilms in UK bestellen.
    Die meisten sind auf VHS-Video erhältlich,
    einen gibts es auch schon auf

    Slowest Landy Restauration on Earth


      RE: Land Rover Filme

      Da fällt mir gerade ein das wir ja mal bei ein paar Aufnahmen in Lindau für einen Landy Film mitgemacht haben, gibt es da schon ein Resultat
      oder warten wir noch auf die nächsten Festspiele in Cannes?

      Grüße Christian


        Edit 08.06.06: so, nu ist zu spät, Bestellung ist raus 8)


        Ich bestelle mir die DVD in UK. Will noch jemand eine DVD haben? Dann vermeiden wir unnötige Portokosten.

        Filme kosten 19,99 britische Pfund plus Maxibrief innerhalb Deutschlands.

        Meldung bitte bis kommenden Freitag.



        Suche Defender 110 ExMod (LHD, Diesel, 12V) in fahrbarem Zustand.

