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Kompression & funkenstörte Zündkerzen 2.5l Benziner

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    Kompression & funkenstörte Zündkerzen 2.5l Benziner

    Moin allerseits,

    in meiner Serie III ist seit Januar ein 2.5l Benzinmotor mit der Motornummer 17H00140 verbaut. Leider schweigen sich die einschlägigen Listen über das Kompressionsverhältnis aus. Ich werde heute abend mal versuchen, ob ich aus irgendwelchen Markierungen am Zylinderkopf schlauer werde ...
    Evtl. kann ja ein Kollege vorher schon helfen.

    Grund der Frage ist eigentlich, dass ich mir für den Urlaub neue - und wenn möglich funkenstörte - Zündkerzen zulegen möchte.

    Hat hier jemand Erfahrung mit funkentstörten Kerzen (für den 2.5l Benziner)? Hersteller und Teilenr. wären interessant.

    Zündende Grüße

    AW: Kompression & funkenstörte Zündkerzen 2.5l Benziner

    Zündkerze Super plus
    Gebrauchsnummern: WR 8 DC+, +3
    bis Bj.: 08/1983

    Die schlägt Bosch vor, ich nehm immer WR7DC
    Gruß Marc


      AW: Kompression & funkenstörte Zündkerzen 2.5l Benziner

      At the launch of the Ninety Land Rover had insisted that there would not be a 2.5-litre development of the petrol engine. [40] However, buyer demand and economics made the change inevitable. The larger petrol engine was launched in 1985 (having been developed under the codename 'Project Harrier') and, like its 2.25-litre predecessor it had much in common with the diesel engine. [41] The block was identical, as were most ancillary parts. The key difference was that the petrol engine retained its timing chain, [42] since it lacked the need to drive an injector pump. The cylinder head was adapted to use unleaded fuel. As before, the engine was smooth and refined, and provided the Land Rover with adequate road performance. [43] However, as fuel prices rose and diesel engines improved sales of the petrol engines fell, especially in Europe. It remained a popular option in Africa and other areas where fuel prices or the simplicity of the engine made it an attractive option. It remained available until 1994; although by this time sales had dwindled to almost nothing in the face of a new generation of refined diesel engines. [12] [44] [45] By this time buyers were limited to those with specific reasons to buy petrol-engined vehicles- for example several Police Forces in the UK bought fleets of 2.5 petrol Defenders in the mid-1990s because a diesel-engined vehicles would have caused maintenance and logistical problems when operated alongside the fleet of standard patrol cars, all of which were petrol fuelled. [46]

      Layout: 4-cylinder, in-lineBlock/Head: Cast iron/cast iron
      Valves: OHV, chain drive camshaft, push-rod operated
      Capacity: 2,495 cc (152.2 cu. in)
      Bore x stroke: 90.47 mm x 97 mm (3.56 in x 3.81 in)
      Compression ratio: 8:1
      Carburettor: Weber
      Power: 83 bhp (62 kW) @ 4,200 rpm
      Torque: 133 lbf·ft (180 N·m) @ 2,000 rpm
      Production: 1985-1994
      Used in: Land Rover Ninety/One Ten/127+Defender

      mehr war erstmal nicht zu finden.......... :D

