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Neue Vorschriften in England zur Ausfuhr von Ex-MoD F'zeuge

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    Neue Vorschriften in England zur Ausfuhr von Ex-MoD F'zeuge

    Hallo alle,

    Soeben aufgeschnappt im EMLRA (ex military land rover association), es gibt neue Vorschriften, wie im Titel geschrieben.

    Ich weiß nicht, wo man sich in D hinwenden kann aber es wird dadurch sicher erheblich schwerer, solche Autos aus England rauszukriegen. Es erstreckt sich auch auf Teile von Autos, wie zB Natokupplungen.


    There has been some rumour regarding the rules of exporting of ex MOD vehicles

    There are new rules and they are quite Draconian.

    By EXPORT it means the physical act of removing the vehicle/item from the UK whether Permanently or temporary. So if you sell abroad it NEEDS a licence. If your off on your Holidays You NEED a licence.

    If your vehicle is over 50 years old then you can get an open General Licence (OGL) on-line for free

    This it where it get more complicated.

    If your vehicle is Less than 50 years old and it is unique to the military, or adapted for/by the military You will need a SIEL (Standard Individual export licence) They are also free but take about 20 days. see below-

    UNIQUE - ANY 101, Lightweight,
    ADAPTED - 110 with side lockers, FFR

    The above are just a few examples and not exhastive.

    These regs include SANKEYS, NATO HOOK, RADIOS and most other military hardwear

    If you have any questions speak to MARK TURNER at the EXPORT CONTROL ORGANISATION , part of the Dept of Trade on 0207 215 4594.
    He is a Land rover owner and is happy to help .

    These regulations are REAL. I work for HMRC and can confirm this.

    The vehicle /Items are liable for outright Seizure so ignore at your peril.


    Anderes Zitat, direkt von der Export Control Organisation:

    Dear Dennis,

    Thank you for your enquiry.

    Vehicles that are specially designed (originally designed) for military
    use, and those that are specially "modified" for military use, require
    an export licence to legally export such items from the UK to any
    destination, under the Export Control Order 2008 (control entry ML6). In
    addition components that are specially designed or modified for military
    vehicles are also subject to export licensing.

    A vehicle is considered as "modified" for military use due to any
    structural, electrical or mechanical change to a vehicle that involves 1
    or more specially designed military components - this includes the
    addition of a NATO towing hook.

    As the law currently stands, items that are originally designed or
    modified for military use (or are inherently military by function), and
    which are listed on the Military Lists under the Export Control Order
    2008, remain controlled for export as military goods, regardless of age
    or sophistication.

    An 'export' is simply the taking or sending of an item outside the UK
    (in the case of military goods).

    An 'exporter' is the person responsible for the taking/sending of the
    item outside the UK.

    And an export takes place regardless of; the origin of the goods, any
    price paid, ownership of the goods (unless owned by the Crown) and
    whether or not the goods are returned to the UK (i.e. temporarily

    Therefore an ex-military Landover, a civil Landover fitted with a NATO
    towing hook, a NATO towing hook alone and military communications
    equipment all require an export licence in order to export these items
    legally from the UK.

    Individuals can apply for Standard Individual Export Licences (SIELs)
    via the Export Control Organisations electronic system SPIRE at

    In addition the ECO has created an Open General Export Licence (OGEL)
    entitled 'OGEL: Vintage Military Vehicles' as a direct result of
    discussions with Ex-Military Vehicle Owner Clubs, which upon
    registration for use of the licence (via the SPIRE system) individuals
    can export certain ex-military vehicles that are over 50 years old for a
    maximum of 3 months, to certain European destinations, provided all of
    the terms and conditions of the use of the licence are fulfilled by the

    Subsequently discussions have ensued regarding a possible expansion of
    the existing 'OGEL: Vintage Military Vehicles' to include other military
    vehicles less than 50 years old and de-activated artillery, these
    modifications are being considered by ECO. Discussions included
    representatives from Invicta Military Vehicle Preservation, Military
    Vehicle Trust and the War and Peace Show.

    I hope this answers your questions.

    With regards,

    Antonia Rudge

    Export Control Organisation
    1 Victoria Street
    SW1H 0ET

    Da haben ein paar Bürokraten zuviel Zeit...

    Zuletzt geändert von dom; 30.07.2009, 08:49.
    Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads.

    AW: Neue Vorschriften in England zur Ausfuhr von Ex-MoD F'zeuge

    naja, ich glaube das "einige" Staaten sehr vorsichtig werden was den Export von ehemals militärisch genutzten Gütern angeht. In Schweden wird z.B., nachdem haufenweise Volvo Tgbs in Krisengebiete verkauft wurden, auch darüber nachgedacht alles direkt zu verschrotten. Die Angst vor der negativen Presse ist hier einfach zu groß

