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Overdrive eingebaut!

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    Overdrive eingebaut!

    Hallo liebe Leute,

    ich habe gerade einen overdrive eingebaut. Hier mein Bericht. Allerdings in English, da ich keine lust habe Ihn zu übersertzen.

    Last weekend my father and I fitted an overdrive unit in my ambulance.
    At first I was a little skeptical about the combination overdrive and ambulance. The vehicle has a lot of weight, and the 2,5 n/a is not that powerful.
    But at least I wanted to test it, because I drive a lot of km's per year.

    First of all; some info and fitting instructions of the overdrive:

    We encountered some problems measuring the spot where to drill the hole for the operating leaver. Because of the thick isolation of the transmission tunnel. So we removed the transmission tunnel and the bottom plates.
    Now we fitted the L piece and aimed a Infra red laser dot on the exact spot for the hole.
    We brought the tunnel back in position and marked the spot where the laser was shining. Now we could make a hole on that spot.
    The rest was fairly easy.
    On the same occasion, we fixed the reverse light (the lamp, the switch and the contacts where broken). We replaced the switch with one of my dads IFA switches. It works perfectly again.

    Back to the overdrive..
    I tested it for 350km now.
    It is not possible to say anything about the fuel consumption yet. But the vehicle is 10 to 20 km / h faster than before.
    My top speed on a straight road now, is 110km/h (with 7,50 r16 mud terrain tires). This is when I really push it.. 95-100km/h is a nice driving speed.

    Here some pictures:

    RE: Overdrive eingebaut!

    Hallo Finn,
    endlich mal jemand der nicht als erstes über schrille Töne berichtet , nachdem der Overdrive eingebaut wurde. Für mich ein gutes Zeichen, dann kann ich mich an meinen auch ran machen ( im Frühjahr, jetzt ist es mir zu kalt).

    Noch viel Spass damit

