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Castor Correction Swivel Ball Kit für den TD4

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    Castor Correction Swivel Ball Kit für den TD4

    Hallo Zusammen, ich Schreibe auf Englisch weiter, weil mein Deutsch nicht so gut ist. Ihr Könnt aber gerne mir auf Deutsch antworten! Vielen Dank!

    I would like to know if someone fitted the Castor Correction Swivel Ball Kit from Britpart to the Puma.
    Part number is DA3203 and the Swivel Ball in the Kit is the FRC7065 (new part number indicated on LR Workshop manual is FTC5366). The FTC5366 seems that can be fitted to all Defender from 1987 to 2016. So, it looks like that if I would like to fit the Castor Correction Swivel Ball Kit to my Puma with ABS I have to order separately only the Swivel pins ant the bearings. Is this correct? Can someone confirm it? Many thanks!!!

    AW: Castor Correction Swivel Ball Kit für den TD4

    Hello there

    Zitat von Dukes79 Beitrag anzeigen
    Part number is DA3203 and the Swivel Ball in the Kit is the FRC7065
    Thats not correct.The holes have a different position to realize the castor correction .

    Zitat von Dukes79 Beitrag anzeigen
    So, it looks like that if I would like to fit the Castor Correction Swivel Ball Kit to my Puma with ABS I have to order separately only the Swivel pins ant the bearings.
    Thats correct.
    Einmaligen Sonnenaufgang beobachtet
    Kein Foto gemacht,Nichts gepostet


      AW: Castor Correction Swivel Ball Kit für den TD4

      Zitat von Caruso Beitrag anzeigen

      Thats not correct.The holes have a different position to realize the castor correction

      Hi many thanks for your replay. Yes you are right. They are not the same.. they are a direct replacement of the FRC7065 but with the Holes in a different position.
      This is the description of the parts from Paddock spares:
      Normally the only way to correct the castor angle on a beam axle vehicle is to fit castor corrected radius arms or go through the lengthy process of repositioning the brackets on the axle. Something which takes considerable time and skill. Britpart offer you an alternative. These castor corrected swivel housings come as a handed pair. They are a direct replacement for vehicles normally using the FRC7065 swivel housing but they have the mounting holes positioned to give 3 degrees of additional castor. The swivel housings are from the OEM supplier and then machined to our specification.

      Thanks again!!

