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'Opheers Mark X' 3-7en Juli, Opheers Belgien

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    'Opheers Mark X' 3-7en Juli, Opheers Belgien

    Hallo Serien Freunden,

    Opheers 10e Edition findet statt 3-7en Juli in Opheers, +/- 75km west von Aachen. Hier mehr oder weniger das Program(in English, Ich gehe das in die Zukunft auf Deutsch übersetzen)...

    Hello everybody,

    Opheers Mark X (already…) will take place 3-7th of July in Opheers, some 75km east of Brussels. An extra day to mark this 10th anniversary! Program will be more or less the same as last editions but with an extra day people have more time to visit things. Here’s the program more or less;

    Wednesday: arrival of participants during the day, installation on site, possibility to play some ’swivel bouls’, meeting people, getting under bonnets, simply relax after 100’s of miles, ... In the evening we provide soup(probably tomato(as always… ;-)). Welcomstdrink, bonfire & beertent.

    Thursday: breakfast. You can do whatever you like; chill on campground, visit stuff(museum, mine, cave, brewery, old town,…) in the region(I can advice), go out for some laning (I'm sure there will be people up for this and have something in mind…),... In the evening there’s the ‘buffet of local specialities’. You simply bring some tasty food of you’re own region; local cheeses, meat, fish, biscuits, pie, soup, sausages, … so everybody can have 'a taste of different parts of Europe’. Google a bit if you don’t have much inspiration; I’m sure there must be in any region some fine specialities. In the evening bonfire & beertent.

    Friday: breakfast, ‘Friday activity’; Gunter(Casaprima, yellow 109 SIII SW) and his sister Barbara will organise this. Lunch you’ll have to make while/after having breakfast; we provide bread, butter, cheese, meat,… Drinks you’ll have to provide yourselves.
    Gunter will sent an email few wks before the meeting. In the evening we serve a typical Belgian dish, bonfire & beertent.

    Saturday: continental breakfast, round 9h30-10h30 start of some greenlaning tours and Jef, Pieter, Wannes, Christophe and myself(or any other person who is up for this of course) will lead a small(6-7 Series max.) group. Lunch in a so called ‘frituur’(chips and all sorts of meat at very democratic prices). In the evening there’s a large BBQ (fish & meat) and of course an XXL bonfire & beertent.

    Sunday: full English breakfast, trophees (if anyone has suggestions I’ll be happy to make one extra of course!), more greenlaning for those who want, ‘swivel bouls’, ham(& cheese)-burgers round 14h00 and saying goodbye. You can stay an extra night of course and those of you who are in for the ‘post Opheers’ bit have no choice… ;-).

    Bout ‘post Opheers’… Haha! Now I have your attention not…?

    It’s just an idea but plan is to travel to a friend in Aveyron region in France in 2-3 days(it’s bout 950km I believe near Millau bridge). Everybody is free to drive this leg on his own pace of course (personally I’m driving a 2,25D in a 109SW so I’m pretty SLOW...) I would only book two campsites where we meet. He has a very nice large plot of land which we can use and knows the beautiful region like his pocket. After this I would head for the Pyrenees and do a nice greenlaning tour there; Wannes has some ideas, not Wannes…? Head for San Sebastian for some delicious ‘pinchos'(tapas) and drive a littlebit into Spain. Manu or ‘le of du Land’ or Manumacland is ‘escaping to another country’; Spain in this case and might organise something in N-Spain. Plan is to take the ferry to Portsmouth(24h I believe so enough time to relax on deck) and go to a SII club meet in Dorset. James Williams organizes this and I don’t think he would mind having a few SI or III’s...

    So a whole mouthful and still some time to think, organise, plan,…



    Ps. If I have missed any person or you know of people that are interested please sent me an email.

    Also wenn Ihr interesse habt schicke mir bitte eine PN.

    Liebe Grüsse,


    AW: 'Opheers Mark X' 3-7en Juli, Opheers Belgien

    Hallo Allen,

    Für die jenen die kein Camping machen wollen; es gibt ein paar B&B's in die directe Umgebung(1km oder weniger) aber bitte nicht zu lange warten dar einige Zimmer schon (lang...) besprochen sind... Dar es die zehnte Edition ist bekommt jeder Fahrer auch ein schönes Geschenk... Letztes Jahr waren schon 4-5 Deutscher dar und die meisten kennen English und manche auch Deutsch.

    Liebe Grüsse,



      AW: 'Opheers Mark X' 3-7en Juli, Opheers Belgien

      Hallo Allen,

      Anmeldungsformular ist fertig also diejenen die Interesse haben... Es ist 'Mark X' also für jeder Fahrer schönes Geschenk!

      Liebe Grüsse,


