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Land Rover Produktionen & Meilensteine von 1950 bis heute

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    Land Rover Produktionen & Meilensteine von 1950 bis heute




    1. SERIES LAND ROVER 1950s
    The Series Land Rover production line at Solihull in the 1950s.

    2. RANGE ROVER 1970s
    The original Range Rover production line at Solihull in the 1970s.

    3. SOLIHULL 2018
    1 - JLR_Manufacturing_Halewood_2018
    Robots at work at the state-of-the-art Jaguar Land Rover manufacturing facility at Halewood.
    2 - JLR_Manufacturing_Solihull_2018
    Ostrich feathers are used to gently brush away all micro-contaminants before the vehicle enters the spray booth.
    3 - JLR_Manufacturing_Solihull_2018
    A mirror is used to analyse the depth of every rivet to ensure precision engineering in the Body Shop.
    4 - JLR_Manufacturing_Solihull_2018
    An employee conducts final checks at the very last stage of build on the Validation Line.
    5 - JLR_Manufacturing_Solihull_2018
    The state-of-the-art Jaguar Land Rover manufacturing facility at Solihull.
    6 - JLR_Manufacturing_Solihull_2018
    Robots apply a sound deadening compound to seal together aluminium bodies.
    7 - JLR_Manufacturing_Solihull_2018
    A technician uses a tricycle to carry tools to maintain the hundreds of high-tech robots working in the 300-acre Body Shop.

    8 - JLR_Manufacturing_Solihull_2018
    The hub shows an overview of all Body Shop operations so they can be monitored.
    9 - JLR_Manufacturing_Solihull_2018
    Unmanned intelligent automated forklift trucks work in harmony to deliver thousands of parts to areas of the Body Shop.
    10 - JLR_Manufacturing_Solihull_2018
    Final checks on paintwork are carried out at Jaguar Land Rover’s state-of-the-art manufacturing facility at Solihull.

    1 - LR_Series_Launch_Amsterdam_1948
    The first short wheelbase 80-inch Land Rover was launched to the world at the Amsterdam Motor Show in 1948.
    2 - LR_Series_Testing_1948-53
    Driving through the Dust Tunnel at the MIRA Test Centre in the UK between 1948-53.
    3 - LR_Series_Testing_1948-53
    Demonstrating Land Rover’s towing capability using a domestic caravan on the high-speed banking test track at the MIRA Test Centre in the UK between 1948-53.
    4 / 5 / 6 - LR_First_Anniversary_1949
    Employees and their families line up to enjoy a drive experience at Solihull to celebrate Land Rover’s 1st Anniversary in 1949.
    7 - LR_First_Export_1949
    Land Rover meets government obligations by exporting to nearly 70 countries within its first year (1949).
    8 - LR_Series_100000th_Milestone_1954
    The 100,000th Land Rover rolls off the production line at Solihull in 1954. The original Project Engineer for Land Rover, Arthur Goddard, is pictured third from right on the front row.
    9 – LR_Tenth_Birthday_1958
    Rover’s engineering director Maurice Wilks (standing in the vehicle), celebrating Land Rover’s 10th birthday in 1958.
    10 – RR_Motor_Show_Chassis_1970
    Motor Show debut for the Range Rover in 1970, on display at Earls Court in London with a cutaway of the chassis.

    11 / 12 - RR_Louvre_1970
    The Range Rover was the first vehicle to be displayed at the Louvre Museum in Paris, where it was recognised for its design excellence.
    13 - LR_Owners'_Club_Event_ 1972
    The Land Rover Owners Club hold their National Rally at Eastnor in 1972.
    14 - LR_Forty_Years_1988
    Image to publicise 40 years of Land Rover in 1988.
    15 - LRE_Site_Development_1989
    Land Rover Experience was formed in 1990. This picture captures the ground-breaking moment as they begin development of the first ever Land Rover Experience Centre at Solihull in 1989.
    16 - LR_Four_Millionth_Born_Free_2007
    Actress and Founder Patron of the Born Free Foundation, Joanna Lumley, hands over the 4 millionth Land Rover, a Discovery, to the international wildlife charity.
    17 - LR_Defender_Last_Off_The_Line_2016
    The last of the current Defenders was built at Solihull on 29 January 2016. More than 700 employees were invited to celebrate as it rolled off the production line, with one employee capturing the moment the Land Rover badge was fitted to the grille.
    18 - LR_Defender_Last_Off_The_Line_2016
    The last of the current Defenders was built at Solihull on 29 January 2016. To mark the occasion, more than 700 employees were invited to celebrate the moment it rolled off the production line.
    19 - JLR_Manufacturing_Employees_2016
    Manufacturing employees celebrate in January 2016 as Jaguar Land Rover becomes the largest automotive manufacturer in Britain.
    20 - LR_Defender_Bonhams_Auction_2016
    The Land Rover Defender 2,000,000 sold for a record £400,000 at a charity auction at Bonhams on 16 December 2015, with all proceeds donated to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the Born Free Foundation.
    Schöne Grüße
    Mathias (blacklandy)

    Es ist schwieriger, eine vorgefaßte Meinung zu zertrümmern als ein Atom.
    (Albert Einstein)

    AW: Land Rover Produktionen & Meilensteine von 1950 bis heute

    huhu, vielleicht habe ich diesen Thread nicht ganz verstanden ?
    Es liest sich wie eine Aufzählung von interessanten Fotos...jedoch...ohne den Link zu den Bildern...?!

    Danke für die Aufklärung )


      AW: Land Rover Produktionen & Meilensteine von 1950 bis heute

      Einfach mal auf die "Meilensteine", also die erste Zeile, klicken...


        AW: Land Rover Produktionen & Meilensteine von 1950 bis heute

        Oh...ein Wunder geschieht wenn ich darauf klicke )))
        Danke !

