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    An die Getriebe Spezialisten.
    Ich habe vor mit meinem Schrauber zusammen das Getriebe zu Überholen.
    Im Werkstatt Handbuch ist das ja sehr gut beschrieben. Bin mir aber nicht ganz sicher ob die angegebenen Axialspiele
    Auf das relativ neue Getriebe (68 A ) übertragbar sind? Da das Handbuch von 1997 ist und mein td5 von 2003.
    Kann mir da evt jemand weiterhelfen?
    Gruß michi

    AW: Getriebefrage

    Da ist vieles erklärt:

    We are a family owned business and have been supplying quality products and excellent customer service worldwide since 1988. We are currently open and operating as normal. However we currently have longer lead times than usual; the lead time for transmissions is around 4-5 weeks. Parts orders are being dispatched as normal. We ship worldwide.

    Different types of R 380
    The manual boxes can be categorised as "Long Stick" as fitted to the Defender and "Short Stick" as fitted to the Disco.
    If your serial number starts with any of the following then you have a longstick : 50A, 51A, 56A, 58A, 60A, 61A, 66A, 68A, 74A If your serial number starts with any of the following then you have a shortstick : 53A, 55A, 63A, 67A, 69A, 73A The longstick boxes come with the top casting that the gearlever and turret bolt to but you will need to remove the following from the old unit : the bellhousing and dowels, transfer case dowels, gearlever and turret and diff lock pivot bolt if fitted.

    The shortstick boxes come with remote top assembly with reverse switch fitted but you will need to swap over the bellhousing & dowels, transfer case dowels, extension gearstick and diff lock pivot bolt. The only exception to the above is the 64A and 65A, these come less bellhousing and less remote shifter.

