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Range Rover im Iran

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    Range Rover im Iran

    Photography by: Alireza Behpour Imagine yourself aiming to restore a famous, valuable, lovely classic car. And imagine that Iran was the only producer of these kinds of machines. Finding that sort of project car would likely be very difficult in your own country; not only would it be hard to find but also more expensive and with fewer to choose from. This is all normal if you’re an Iranian trying to find and restore a car in Iran—and it gets much more difficult from there! You would have to decide immediately…and pay an unfair price quickly to acquire the car. After purchasing the car, now it’s time to start resurrecting it. If you know “Farsi”, the speaking language of Iranians, it would be great to search on the internet for parts—otherwise you are almost out of the game. Internet speeds are usually as fast as a dead horse in Iran, and websites are filtered. Now, what if you know Farsi and after hours of wrestling with internet,