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Discovery recall over petrol leak

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    Discovery recall over petrol leak

    Ist zur Zeit in England am laufen.

    Vehicles made between May and September 2005 will be inspected

    Land Rover wants to take a closer look at 96 Discoverys made between May and September 2005 - because they may leak fuel.

    It is contacting owners about petrol versions.

    If yours smells of petrol when you're in the cabin - yours might be one.

    If you're also experiencing misfires and poor starting - you're almost certainly on the Land Rover list.

    The firm says a 'poorly specified pipe' is to blame, but it is going to have to replace the fuel tanks of affected cars to put it right.

    lg heiko

    PS. Do you smell petrol? You might be needing a new tank ;(
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    –Steve McQueen