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Birmabright Weekend 2015, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 5th – 7th June 2015

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    Birmabright Weekend 2015, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 5th – 7th June 2015

    Birmabright Weekend 2015, Kutná Hora, Czech Republic, 5th – 7th June 2015

    First of all, sorry for writing in English, but those who know me (or read my posts here) are aware how awkward my German is:) I would like to invite again all leaf-sprung Land-Rover owners to the ninth annual Birmabright Weekend in Kutná Hora, Czech Republic. As always all kinds of leaf-sprung Land-Rovers are welcome and the greenlaning trip will include only these.

    We will stay at the same campsite we used in previous years, i.e. the Santa Barbara camp site with nice eating/washing/toilet facilities, adress as follows: Santa Barbara Camping, Tyrsova 988, Kutna Hora (49.954157, 15.260267 / +49° 57' 14.97", +15° 15' 36.96")
    Google Maps

    The capacity of the campsite is limited, so I would like to ask all participants to email us ( with info about how many vehicles are they taking, how many people are travelling with them and what is the number of tents or trailers that you are bringing. Also, please mention whether you plan to stay Friday to Sunday or whether you are staying for a longer/shorter period. All this is important to plan everything a bit in advance (breakfast on each day, available space etc.). Please provide us with this info until 31st March 2015. If you would like to buy the events' t-shirt, please also mention this, although this particular topic will become important in late April/early May.

    The event’s programme

    Friday, 5th June 2015:
    - Arrival of participants during the day, the campsite is open so early or late evening/night arrival is no problem.
    - We will then proceed to taste whichever beer will be available at the local pub/bar establishment, continuing until late hours in anticipation of late arrivals.

    Saturday, 6th June 2015:

    - During the morning hours we will stand, sit, kneel, squat around the campsite, shout at each other, moan/brag/cry/chuckle about what we did last night, chat together and peek under open bonnets. In general, we usually wait for those who can't force themselves to wake up in time for the announced time of departure for the laning trip...
    - Breakfast can be had in the local "pub", nothing too sophisticated but enough to fill up.
    - Departure for the laning trip is usually not before 10:00 – on the contrary, usually we depart with at least 20-30 minutes delay, unless weather is miserable, in which case everyone is eager to get cosy under the roof of their leafer.
    - The trip includes lanes and tarmac roads totalling some 70-100 kilometres in length, depending on how much time I can spare during April weekends to prepare the route. Fuel tank at least half-full (or half-empty) is advisable, I can help people with directions (or guide a little low-on-fuel convoy) to the nearest petrol station. This year's route is planned again to include the observation tower where we started off last year and a stop at the small medieval fortress/stronghold at Malesov we saw in 2013, with some hearty meal prepared for us at one of the local pubs. Another stop is included for the traditional group photo at the Vysoka hill.
    - Another beer-drinking spree will follow in the evening.

    Sunday, 7th June 2015:

    - Most participants usually bid farewell to others already during breakfast (some already leave on Saturday), but the programme will continue with an early (7:00 AM) departure for the Pardubice airport, where the event called Aviaticka pout (or Airmen's/Air/Aviatic Fair - is taking place. This is a major local air show with plenty historic aircraft on display and in the air, concentrating on the two world wars. In 2015, we will be exhibiting our vehicles in the spectators' area of the show, with good view of the aerial display.
    - 2015 is the 25th installment of the airshow, so I suppose the programme should be special.
    - The plan is for our part to end at approximately 3:30-4:00 PM, which would be the meeting's final schedule point.

    Additional info:


    The meeting will take place at a public campsite, with space for tents and one small challet, which can accommodate 4-6 people. There are shared showers and toilets, nice and clean. There's a small pub close to the gate which serves (except beer) some basic food, like sausages, fries, fried cheese and some other not too fancy meals. It's not exactly a luxury standard but people used to drive Land-Rovers should find the facilities sufficient. Beer usually costs around one pound per 0.5 litre glass, about the same costs a loaf of bread, for 5 or 6 pounds you can get a hearty meal here.

    Driving regulations:

    The most apparent difference (apart from driving on the right) is the daylight lights-on rule, i.e. your lights need to be switched all the time. You should have an internationally valid proof of liability insurance (which is locally called the green card, showing that your vehicle is insured and the validity of the document), the speed limit for cities/towns/villages is 50 kph. Other than that it’s 90 kph outside cities/towns/villages and 130 kph on motorways. Motorways are toll-roads, you need to have a motorway sticker/vignette attached to the lower right part of your windscreen, proving you have paid the toll. The toll sticker for 10 days costs CZK 310 in 2015. To put this into context, the maximum fine for not having that sticker is CZK 5000.


    CZK (approx. CZK 28 = 1 EUR) / if you need to change on week days, you can do so at banks or exchange counters (there should be a few in Kutna Hora as well, not sure about the weekend office hours, better to stock up for the weekend on Friday). VISA/MasterCard credit cards will be accepted in 90% of the shops incl. most supermarkets, but not at the campsite.

    Petrol prices:

    About CZK 29-32 per litre on average at the moment (unleaded = called Natural 95 here) / only rarely some stations here still sell the so called Special 91 (with the lead-substituting additive included), which is usually slightly cheaper. There are two fuel stations in Kutna Hora, availability elsewhere is no problem, both on motorways and main roads (most or all of them nowadays accept VISA/MasterCard credit cards).

    Other expected costs at CZ:
    Campsite: see
    Breakfast: about CZK 75 / GBP 2.50 / EUR 3
    Certificate + sticker: CZK 100 / GBP 3 / EUR 4
    T-Shirt: CZK 300 / GBP 9.50 / EUR 12
    Roasted pork dinner on Saturday: CZK 150 / GBP 5 / EUR 6 (not 100% sure we can do this, the campsite has changed owners late last year)

    AW: Birmabright Weekend 2015, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 5th – 7th June 2015

    Hi Drozd, see you in June 2015, I have send you an email with the detailed informations

    Geht net, gibt´s net


      AW: Birmabright Weekend 2015, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 5th – 7th June 2015

      Great to hear that, Alois, looking forward to see you in Kutná Hora!



        AW: Birmabright Weekend 2015, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 5th – 7th June 2015

        Nur noch zwei Wochen bis ende Marz 2015 - sind da andere interessierte? Bitte ein kurzes Email schicken nach, es wurde schön die Nummern zusammen haben. Vielen Dank zu alle die haben bis jezt ihre Infos geschickt!


          AW: Birmabright Weekend 2015, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 5th – 7th June 2015

          Including the most recent registrations, we have now reached the camp capacity, i.e. 35 vehicles (plus me and Hana), so we're officially full except if someone changes their mind about coming. For those who registered: please keep this in mind - if you have serious doubts about coming or already know you most likely won't make it, please let us know, there might be more interest from others. In any case, thanks to all who have provided their details, looking forward to seeing you in Kutná Hora!

          If you planned to come, please let us know anyway - we would let you know in case places are freed.


            AW: Birmabright Weekend 2015, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 5th – 7th June 2015

            Thanks to all who made the effort to come over and participate in this year's installment. We had an unsually sunny weather, despite our expectations the usual thunderstorms have avoided us this time! It was sunny, dusty, full of poppies and above all, in the best company of leaf-sprung Land-Rover owners.

            Both the Saturday greenlaning bit and the airshow on Sunday worked out well and I'm sure we will all remember the sunburn for weeks to come!

            A few photos:

