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Santana PS10

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    Santana PS10

    maybe some one can help me, I have a Santana PS 10 , in Germany is register us a truck(LKW GESCHL.KASTEN) so I pay only 185€ tax and 1200€ insurance and I have to go every year to the ispeccion TÜV. Today I got a letter from Finanzamt and they say they want to see my track so they can decide if is a car or a truck,and they say I must show my track to them.I call a lawyer and he say that I must show them my track, so can some one give me some advice to dill whit this MF from finanzamt,like should I take the sit on the back away whit the belts will help something to keep it register us a truck
    Thank you in advance and you can writein german(no problem to read)

    better look/ask in this forum

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      RE: Santana PS10

      Original von gdlerner
      I have to go every year to the ispeccion TÜV.
      Why ??? Only Trucks over 3,5 t max.weight have to go yearly for TÜV.
      Gruß Manfred

      Do what you want , but do it with Style


        RE: Santana PS10

        well I really don t know and I don t understand the crazy German system,I bought my new and I only got 2 years free of TÜV,and I went to the registration office to complain and they told me no way you have a track and you must go every year to TÜV


          RE: Santana PS10

          Neuer Truck 2 Jahre TÜV ist korrekt. Jährlich nur für Truck über 3,5 t ``zulässiges Gesamtgewicht´´
          Gruß Manfred

          Do what you want , but do it with Style

