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Resale Value of Land Rover Defender

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    Resale Value of Land Rover Defender

    In Britain there are various websites where one can find the estimated value of a second-hand vehicle. For example, with Land Rover, feed in Model, Year, diesel/petrol. engine capacity, body type, number of doors, kilometres run, and one is given an estimated valuation. Could anyone please suggest a similar sort of website for Germany? I wish to value my vehicle.

    AW: Resale Value of Land Rover Defender


    Yes, there are several ways to do this.
    Probably the two biggest ionline sales portals for (used) cars in Germany are &
    Both of them can fairly well narrow down the search for you.
    Most insurance companies, finance companies & equivalent use the famouse "SCHWACKE List". AFAIK this is available online to registered users ( I haven`t bothered using it for YEARS)
    so if you need to use this, I would suggest speaking to your bank manager or insurance broker as they allmost certain will have access.
    Should you need to have a more official figure, for what ever reason thats private to you, then there are companies providing these services at a cost. I paid well above 500Eu for such an official appraisal as it was required in an insurance matter abroad.
    If organisations like TüV, Dekra, GTÜ & ADAC offer these services close to you, you need to look into yourself. I guess YES :W
    besa mi culo:mi

